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Installing FiFo

The steps involved in getting FiFo up and running


Latest supported PI

The latest Platform Image that is supported is 20151104T185720Z

1: Dataset Import

From the GZ (Global Zone) import the base dataset which we will use as the foundation for our FiFo Zone. Once imported we then confirm it is installed:

imgadm update
imgadm import 1bd84670-055a-11e5-aaa2-0346bb21d5a1
imgadm list | grep 1bd84670-055a-11e5-aaa2-0346bb21d5a1

If installed successfully you should see:

1bd84670-055a-11e5-aaa2-0346bb21d5a1  minimal-64-lts  14.4.2     smartos  2015-03-03T15:38:34Z

2: Zone Creation

JSON Payload file used for zone creation

 "autoboot": true,
 "brand": "joyent",
 "image_uuid": "1bd84670-055a-11e5-aaa2-0346bb21d5a1",
 "max_physical_memory": 3072,
 "cpu_cap": 100,
 "alias": "fifo",
 "quota": "40",
 "resolvers": [
 "nics": [
   "interface": "net0",
   "nic_tag": "admin",
   "ip": "",
   "gateway": "",
   "netmask": ""

Next we create our FiFo JSON payload file and save it in case we need to re-install at a later stage.

cd /opt
vi setupfifo.json
vmadm create -f setupfifo.json

3: FiFo Packages Install

We now zlogin to our newly created FiFo Zone and proceed with adding the FiFo package repository. Then we install the required FiFo packages.

zlogin <fifo-vm-uuid>

Starting with 14.4.0 Datasets, Joyent introduced signed packages. Starting with Version 0.7.0 - FiFo has now also started signing it's packages. To properly install FiFo packages, the FiFo public key is required and can be installed with the following command.

curl -O
gpg --primary-keyring /opt/local/etc/gnupg/pkgsrc.gpg --import < fifo.gpg
gpg --keyring /opt/local/etc/gnupg/pkgsrc.gpg --fingerprint

The key id is BB975564 and the fingerprint CE62 C662 67D5 9129 B291 62A0 ADDF 278A BB97 5564 should be returned respectively.

Now we can install the packages.

echo "" >> /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf
pkgin -fy up
pkgin install fifo-snarl fifo-sniffle fifo-howl fifo-cerberus

4: Configuring FiFo Services

If this is a fresh installation the installer will create default configuration files for each service. When updating the configuration files do not get overwritten, but new *.conf.example files will be added.

The generated files contain some defaults. However is it advised to take some time to configure Sniffle , Snarl and Howl.


Datasets origin

By default, the FiFo UI Cerberus, will list and download available datasets (VM images) from If you have a local mirror, you can point to it changing the file /opt/local/fifo-cerberus/config/config.js

Service Startup

svcadm enable epmd
svcadm enable snarl
svcadm enable sniffle
svcadm enable howl
svcs epmd snarl sniffle howl

Initial administrative tasks

The last step is to create an admin user and organisation, this can be done with one simple command:

# snarl-admin init <realm> <org> <role> <user> <pass>
 snarl-admin init default MyOrg Users admin admin

5: LeoFS initialization


LeoFS Storage should be working before proceeding

A working and fully functional two Zone LeoFS setup MUST be up and running before you proceed with the below step.

If you have not previously setup your LeoFS Storage Zones, you should pause now at this point and proceed with the LeoFS Install Guide before continuing with the last step below. The guide can be found here:

LeoFS Install Guide

Once LeoFS is configured and up and running, the init-leofs command can be used from sniffle-admin to set up the required, users, buckets and endpoints. You can use the service or your own domain name, if you setup your DNS with wildcard:

sniffle-admin init-leofs

stThat's it. You can now log out of your FiFo Zone and bal zone agent (chuback into the Global Zone and continue with installing the Chunter service.

Go to chunter install

6: Configure FiFo

Now that you have FiFo installed and chunter running, you can now start managing and create virtual machines.

You can login to the web console and use the Configuration menu to setup the following:

At the point you should be able to create some VMs

7: Historical Data with Tachyon & DalmatinerDB

The ability to monitor your cloud data in real-time (cerberus metric graphs) or over time (historical data) is of fundamental importance to most cloud operators.

FiFo has some ultra-performant, purpose built services that have been designed specifically for this task. Excelling at both efficiently storing huge volumes of data as well as performing extremely fast queries that can scale to handle very large cloud installations.

Although an optional service, we do encourage this to be setup for all FiFo installations to truly complete your cloud offering.

First you need to setup the metric storage database called "DalmatinerDB"

Then the "tachyon-meter" service is installed in each hypervisor's Global Zone and the aggregation service called "Tachyon" is installed within its own separate Zone.

Note: The DalmatinerDB and the Tachyon aggregation service can be installed together on the same zone.

A detailed setup is covered in the comprehensive setup guide below:

Metrics Setup Guide