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Installing LeoFS

LeoFS Install Guide

We are setting up 2 LeoFS zones with the following ip addresses and services. The FiFo Zone will be created separately by following the regular installation guide - but is included in the table for clarity. For the purposes of this guide we will assume you only have 1 hypervisor (physical server). For production use, the recommended setup is a distributed LeoFS cluster - deployed on 5 separate servers across 5 different zones.


LeoFS utilises 'Layer 2' broadcast traffic for communication. As such, your LeoFS zones need to be on the same Layer 2 network or vlan in order to function.

Our setup will be as follows:

Zone NameIP AddressServicesHypervisor
LeoFS Zone, Gateway0, Storage01
LeoFS Zone (2 if it exists)
FiFo Zone10.1.1.23Sniffle, Snarl, Howl, Wiggle, Jingles1

The will always be the ip address of the zone where the “Gateway” service resides.

We will also need to generate a random cookie to be used as part of the setup.

[root@1.leofs ~]# openssl rand -base64 32 | fold -w16 | head -n1
Our Random CookieQvTnSK0vrCohKMkw

DNS Setup

LeoFS provides an S3 compatible API and as such requires a resolvable Host Name or FQDN to function. Both a DNS server or adding entries to /etc/hosts files will work. Using naked IP Addresses will NOT work.

A good alternative for test systems is the internet DNS service It resolves hostnames in the form of: *.<ip> to <ip>. is a special domain name that provides wildcard DNS for any IP address. In this guide we will XIP.IO but for production it is recommended that you do not rely on any third party dns service or create a dependency on an external DNS service for your Cloud storage to function.

If our LeoFS storage zone IP is using as a hostname for the storage server will resolve and return the ip address

[root@1.leofs ~]# dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> @
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 16337
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;  IN  A


;; Query time: 303 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Jun  1 20:41:48 2015
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 58



If your setup uses internal DNS or host file entries - then all the LeoFS service host names should be resolvable within each LeoFS zones as well as from the Global Zone of every hypervisor.

Installation Steps Overview


(Step 1) Create Zones

From the GZ (Global Zone) we install the base dataset which we will use for our LeoFS Zones. Then we have to confirm it is installed:

imgadm update
imgadm import 1bd84670-055a-11e5-aaa2-0346bb21d5a1
imgadm list | grep 1bd84670-055a-11e5-aaa2-0346bb21d5a1

If installed successfully you should see:

1bd84670-055a-11e5-aaa2-0346bb21d5a1  minimal-64-lts  14.4.2     smartos  2015-03-03T15:38:34Z

Sample contents of leo-zone1.json

 "autoboot": true,
 "brand": "joyent",
 "image_uuid": "1bd84670-055a-11e5-aaa2-0346bb21d5a1",
 "max_physical_memory": 3072,
 "cpu_cap": 100,
 "alias": "1.leofs",
 "quota": "80",
 "resolvers": [
 "nics": [
   "interface": "net0",
   "nic_tag": "admin",
   "ip": "",
   "gateway": "",
   "netmask": ""

Sample contents of leo-zone2.json

 "autoboot": true,
 "brand": "joyent",
 "image_uuid": "1bd84670-055a-11e5-aaa2-0346bb21d5a1",
 "max_physical_memory": 512,
 "cpu_cap": 100,
 "alias": "2.leofs",
 "quota": "20",
 "resolvers": [
 "nics": [
   "interface": "net0",
   "nic_tag": "admin",
   "ip": "",
   "gateway": "",
   "netmask": ""

Next we create our LeoFS JSON payload files and create our 2 LeoFS zones.

cd /opt
vi leo-zone1.json
vi leo-zone2.json
vmadm create -f leo-zone1.json
vmadm create -f leo-zone2.json

The rest of the setup will be done within our newly created LeoFS zones.

(Step 2.1) Zone 1 Configuration

We zlogin to the LeoFS Zone 1 and add the FiFo package repository then install the LeoFS “Manager”, “Gateway” and “Storage” services.

zlogin <leo-zone1-uuid>

curl -O
gpg --primary-keyring /opt/local/etc/gnupg/pkgsrc.gpg --import < fifo.gpg
gpg --keyring /opt/local/etc/gnupg/pkgsrc.gpg --fingerprint

cp /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf.original
echo "${VERSION}" >> /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf
pkgin -fy up
pkgin install coreutils sudo gawk gsed
pkgin install leo_manager leo_gateway leo_storage



LeoFS uses Replicas to ensure a certain consistency level for your data. Once the replica value has been set and your cluster started, it can NOT be changed. You can still add storage nodes to the cluster but your resiliency level will always remain constant.

Next we configure all the services in Zone 1 by editing each respective configuration file and changing ONLY the following settings - the rest of the config options remain unchanged :


vi /opt/local/leo_manager/etc/leo_manager.conf

nodename = manager0@
manager.mode = master
distributed_cookie = QvTnSK0vrCohKMkw
manager.partner = manager1@
consistency.num_of_replicas = 1
consistency.write = 1 = 1
consistency.delete = 1


vi /opt/local/leo_gateway/etc/leo_gateway.conf

distributed_cookie = QvTnSK0vrCohKMkw
managers = [manager0@, manager1@]
http.port = 80
http.ssl_port     = 443


Tuning Large Object Sizes

The default value of large_object.max_chunked_objs in the leo_gateway.conf file is set to 1000 or 5.24GB. Please adjust yours accordingly e.g. If you plan to backup a 100GB Machine, 5.24GB will not cut it. The way you work this out is as follows: 1000 x large_object.chunked_obj_len(Byte) or 1000 x 5242880 Bytes = 5.24GB


vi /opt/local/leo_storage/etc/leo_storage.conf

distributed_cookie = QvTnSK0vrCohKMkw
managers = [manager0@, manager1@]

(Step 2.2) Zone 2 Configuration

We now zlogin to the LeoFS Zone 2 and add the FiFo package repository then install the LeoFS “Manager” service.

zlogin <leo-zone1-uuid>

curl -O
gpg --primary-keyring /opt/local/etc/gnupg/pkgsrc.gpg --import < fifo.gpg
gpg --keyring /opt/local/etc/gnupg/pkgsrc.gpg --fingerprint

cp /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf.original
echo "${VERSION}" >> /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf
pkgin -fy up
pkgin install coreutils sudo gawk gsed
pkgin install leo_manager


vi /opt/local/leo_manager/etc/leo_manager.conf

nodename = manager1@
manager.mode = slave
distributed_cookie = QvTnSK0vrCohKMkw
manager.partner = manager0@
consistency.num_of_replicas = 1
consistency.write = 1 = 1
consistency.delete = 1

(Step 3.1) Start Manager A

Zlogin to Zone 1 and enable the following services.

svcadm enable epmd
svcadm enable leofs/manager

(Step 3.2) Start Manager B

Zlogin to Zone 2 and enable the following services.

svcadm enable epmd
svcadm enable leofs/manager

Please be aware that the startup order is very important and that the leofs-adm status commands should show the service is up on BOTH zones before you continue.
leofs-adm status shall display a section named [System Configuration] with consistency level.

(Step 4) Start Storage

Zlogin to Zone 1 and enable the LeoFS Storage service and confirm it is running.

svcadm enable leofs/storage

Confirm that when running leofs-adm status the storage is listed. Once confirmed you then start the storage with the leofs-adm start command.

leofs-adm start

(Step 5) Start the Gateway

Zlogin to Zone 1 and enable the LeoFS Gateway service and confirm everything is running correctly. It may take a couple of seconds for the gateway to attach itself.

svcadm enable leofs/gateway
leofs-adm status

This part of the LeoFS setup is now complete, the final step as shown below is completed after your return to the FiFo installation manual and continue with the rest of your FiFo setup.

Starting the LeoFS Cluster

The last step will be completed in the actual FiFo Zone once you have it up and running. You should now continue with the general FiFo Installation manual.

Once FiFO is configured the sniffle-admin init-leofs command should be used from within your FiFo zone. It will set up the required, users, buckets and endpoints.

sniffle-admin init-leofs


Security Note

By default, LeoFS opens some ports for remote configuration. This gives the FiFo 'init-leofs' command the ability to configure LeoFS remotely. Once your installation has completed, please consider closing the ports to further secure your environment. E.g. using the firewall feature.